Cheap Shipping
Need Cheap Shipping for your Unichip products?
FedEx Alternative Shipping Option
FedEx is very reliable but they are also very expensive. So we found a alternative shipping solution where you can save up to 60% on express shipping.
Here is how it works:
You buy your own shipping label and then print it out on your computer. However, be sure to print it to a PDF file (don’t print it to your printer). You can then simply email us the PDF file as an attachment. We will print it out on our side, put it on the box, and ship it with your prepaid shipping label.
This means you will get the product as cheap as possible by buying at wholesale pricing and shipping with your prepaid shipping label.
Here are the steps in detail.
- Find the Unichip product you want buy
- Get the weight (use 1 lb for small products and 6 lb for larger products)
- Go to to get you shipping quote
- Once you are happy with the rate, email us with the product link you want and we will give you the exact weight
- We will create a special e-invoice for you to pay for your Unichip Product
- Buy your prepaid shipping label and email it to me (
- We use your label and ship the product to you.
Question: How do I print to a PDF file?
Answer: You will need software to print to a PDF file. Here is a link to the same software we use every day, it is a free download from Cute PDF Writer. CutePDF Writer will installs itself as a “printer subsystem”. This enables virtually any Windows applications (must be able to print) to create professional quality PDF documents – with just a push of a button!
Question: Where can I get shipping rates to buy my own pre-paid shipping label?
Answer: You can buy your own shipping label from